The propagandists are at it again! The other day it was the “Taliban”.
Today it’s “ISIS-K”!
Thirteen Marines were just killed, dozens others have been injured, but the media is busy throwing at us new, fancy code words in their desperate last effort to conceal the truth: Jihadist all over the world are out to destroy us in the name of the same book, the same non-existent “deity”, and the same 7th century murderous, child-raping goat herder, if he ever existed.
In Nigeria they call them the “Fulani”. In Myanmar they are the “Rohingya”. In China it’s the “Uighur”. In Israel it’s the “Palestinians”.
Stop the spin! Enough propaganda and mind games!
They are all cut from the same cloth. They are all Muslims and they are all part of the agenda of global jihad.

This is the truth the globalist propaganda machine doesn’t want you to hear. Why? Because they don’t want you to connect the dots. They want to be the sole authority on this subject matter and they definitely want to control the narrative. They want you dependent on their “experts”, talking heads, government spokesmen and don’t forget, their “journalists”. They are on somebody’s payroll and their job is to translate and interpret for you how Islam is all about peace. Even when they are chopping hands and heads off.
They are terrified at the prospects of you and I figuring out the simple and most obvious fact: Jihad, produced exclusively by the matrix of Islam, is one of the greatest existential threats to the civilized world as we know it.
Stop the spin! Enough propaganda and mind games!
They are all cut from the same cloth. They are all Muslims and they are all part of the agenda of global jihad.
Oh, no! But we thought the Uighur were all innocent victims of China’s genocide?
Yes, I know. I knew this would come up in the minds of most people the minute I decided to list them as part of the gang.
Sorry to burst yet another one of your propaganda bubble, jihadists!
The truth is that all of these groups with quirky names are fundamentally stemming from the same root, they are part of the same agenda, the obey the same terrorist manual, they worship the same 7th century pedophile – if he ever even existed.
That’s right, the Uighurs aren’t the innocent martyrs the jihadist narrative controlled media would have you believe.
Now, I’m sure the Chinese are killing innocents among the Uighur. After all, the ruthless Chinese Communists have been killing tens of millions of innocents of their own people, let alone the Uighur.
But why isn’t “the media”, i.e. the despicable clowns who fabricate stories meant to confuse you, why are aren’t they telling us the full story on the Uighur?
According to a report* by Colin P. Clarke, Ph.D. in international security policy from the University of Pittsburgh, and Paul Rexton Kan, Associate Professor of National Security Studies and the Henry L. Stimson Chair of Military Studies at the US Army War College, the Uighur story has a “little” more to it than what you’ve been led to believe.
“Uighurs, specifically individuals of Turkic decent from China’s northwest province of Xinjiang, have become a noticeable part of the constellation of globally active jihadist terror groups. Uighur jihadists first came to the world’s attention when the United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001. While continuing their cooperation with the Taliban under the banner of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), Uighur jihadists have now spread to Southeast Asia and the Middle East. ETIM’s members are part of the Turkestan Islamic Party fighting with the Al-Qaeda umbrella group in Syria, but other Uighurs have joined IS in Syria and Iraq, and still others have joined local terror groups in Indonesia. However, Uighurs are currently underexamined as active participants in jihadist organizations. Publications about Uighurs have been piecemeal – focusing on their struggles against the Chinese government or narrowly describing the specific groups in which Uighurs have been participants. This Policy Brief explores the scope and scale of Uighur Foreign Fighters (UFF) activity in various locations, its implications and how their participation in global jihadist groups may evolve.”
From the same report*:
“Although they participate in disparate organizations with differing goals, Uighur Foreign Fighters (UFFs) share unique characteristics as a group. Uighurs consider themselves separate and distinct in ethnicity, culture, and religion from the Han Chinese majority that governs them. These distinctions form the basis of the Uighurs’ religious ethno- nationalist identity, leading some of them to engage in violent activities aimed at establishing their own state, East Turkestan. Indeed, over the past two decades, Uighurs have launched several terror attacks in China in pursuit of this goal. Some recent attacks have included:
– October 2013: ETIM attack at Tiananmen Square in Beijing kills five.
– February 2014: A knife attack at a train station in Kunming kills 30.
– April 2014: A knife and bomb attack at the South Railway Station of Urumqi kills three and wounds 79.
– May 2014: Two cars crashed into a market and the attackers lobbed explosives, killing 31 people in Urumqi.
– September 2014: Bomb blasts (including suicide bombers) and clashes left 50 people dead and 50 injured.
– October 2015: A knife attack on a coalmine kills 50.”
Suppressing their internal jihadists of course doesn’t bother the Chinese Communist regime one single bit when it comes to capitalizing on the weakness of the Biden administration, while offering support for jihadists outside of China.
In typical shameless fashion, the CCP is playing a great friend to the jihadist Taliban, while genociding its own jihadist Uighurs. This isn’t a problem for the jihadist Taliban either because they don’t care about Muslims. Muslims are expendable to Jihadists. This isn’t anything new. For anyone who has followed closely this issue and knows about the tactics of Muslims on the battlefield, you know they use women and children as human shields all the time. In Israel, to so-called “Palestinians” teach and train their children from early on that the greatest achievement in life is to be a shahid, a suicide bomber who will blow Jews up.
Likewise, so long as the Taliban jihadis can achieve their goal to have political backing by any major power, who cares that innocent Uighurs are getting genocided by their new partners in Beijing.
If you’re still wondering how this can be, yes, this is how insane all these people are. While playing victims, they have gained access to the levers of power in the media, in government, on the international diplomatic scene, in the world of banking, in finance, and in education.
Some critics of Islam take pride in not referring to Muslims in their public presentations of the problem with Islam. Why? When we publicly say that Muslims are called by Muhammad to kill Jews, we are only repeating a well known Sunna. We didn’t create this. This isn’t some slander some critic of Islam invented. There is no other “meaning” of this verse other than what it says: Muslims, you go ahead and be ready to kill Jews.
Why aren’t the Muslims upset about it? I have never heard any Muslim protesting Islam’s teaching MUSLIMS specifically to kill people. Someone upset about it? Why get upset with me? I’m only pointing out to what MUSLIMS are explicitly called to do by Islam. And I’m expected somehow conceal this? Why? It’s what Islam teaches. They believe it. They preach it. But we can’t repeat it?
Sure we can. Here it is: Islam teaches MUSLIMS, not just “some people”, to kill Jews and by extension any other infidel.
Here is the quote if you don’t believe me:

All Muslims believe all their “holy” books. All imams preach this same stuff. All jihadists obey the exact same book and verses. They are all Muslims.
There’s no room for “apples and oranges” spin here. It’s all apples and they are all rotten because Islam is a rotten, genocidal, terrorism generating matrix.
But I better watch myself before I start sounding too islamophobic. We can’t do that, you know. Sensitive leftist souls might get “offended” that Muslims might be getting offended. It’s a complex, offending chain reaction of sorts. Very strange phenomenon that islamophobia is harming people with. Terrible!
Going back to ISIS-K, can you see now how now the Taliban will be cast in positive light and how the media will try to get us all to accept them as a legitimate political regime? In other words, prop a new boogie man called “ISIS-K”? Huh? Who is that? Oh, it’s new bad guys. The Taliban [jihadis] aren’t THAT BAD. See? Before you know it, just like that, the Taliban [jihadis] are the good guys. Thanks, Joe Xiden!
If we had a truly free press, you would be hearing about this from someone much more qualified than me, someone who is getting paid to investigate, and to write for living. Unfortunately for all os, the free press, whatever was left of it, doesn’t exist anymore and you’re stuck with your neighborhood islamophobe stealing time from his lunch break to pull the curtain on this shit show and expose these clowns for what they are: jihadis!
Nothing more, noting less! All of them!
*Source: Uighur Foreign Fighters: An Underexamined Jihadist Challenge
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