30 years deep into the islamophobia propaganda era, spineless Western governments who have sold out to globalism continue to pander to global jihad. The UK Government even appointed an imam as a “minister of islamophobia” as if it were. And yes, they had the arrogance to call him ‘independent”. But how can they do that, all of us rational people keep asking ourselves? It’s because they are SHAMELESS! But what does this really mean? All this and more in the new podacst episode.
Tag Archive for: Islamophobia
Katie Hopkins talks to MAGASOTA Founder Michele Even in a rare long-form video and completely UNCENSORED.
For more on MAGASOTA check out: https://www.magasota.com/
Behind-the-scenes commentary: https://www.patreon.com/islamophobia
The government of Saudi Arabia has now officially jumped on the Islamophobia bandwagon. Perhaps because they see how well this propaganda is working.
In Saudi Arabia there is a law in place since 2007 that will prosecute individuals who use the internet to spread racism and hatred. The fines are up to one year in jail, over 130,000 dollars in fines, or both.
What can we say, except that the Saudis have once again proven what we have been saying for a long time.
Muslims are shameless!
The Saudis are one of the worst violators of human rights in the world. It is safe to say that there is no religious freedom in Saudi Arabia whatsoever. Here you can read the 2018 Department of State Saudi Arabia report. It basically says that Saudi Arabia is governed by Sharia Law. Sharia Law means Islamic supremacy. Muslims have all the rights, the infidel has the right to put up with being treated like a dog, or worse.
“Slay the unbelievers wherever ye find them…”
The Quran, Verse 9:5
On June 15 a Somali website called the Sahan Journal informed the world that one Anisa Hajimumin has been appointed to lead “a new state office”. Appears as if Anisa will be an “assistant commissioner for immigrant and refugee affairs”. Thanks to this report by KSTP from February 2020, it becomes clear that Anisa will be getting paid up to $142,000 a year.
From the Sahan post we learn that Anisa is a gender studies and creative writing Hamling graduate who somehow became “an entrepreneur and an activist”. No word what her “entrepreneurship” was about. Oh wait, we do know. Thanks to this Wikipedia page we learn that she worked as a paralegal and then founded some NGO…a non-profit called “Hajimumin & Associates”, focused on designing workshops for youth development and women’s empowerment. And there you have it! That’s a nice entrepreneurial story, isn’t it? I’m sure the financials of the non-profit will be a very interesting part of the story to look into. Maybe later.
Now to all of you islamophobes, you must be tempted to think “What in the world is going on here?”
Stop! Don’t you think for a minute you can use your brain to weigh in on what makes sense in this story and what doesn’t. There’s a higher cause here, don’t you get it, infidel? We’re fighting Islamophobia here in Minnesota. How inappropriate of you to try to do the math…to think “wait I thought entrepreneur meant someone who creates economic activity and value”? See, this is your barbaric, profit-obsessed, capitalist pig mind working now. Anisa has shown us a higher way to higher income. Watch and learn!
While managing her NGO and being an activist, Anisa managed to also write a book about Somali women and their issues.

Wait, women issues where, in Somalia? Or in America? Most probably in Somalia because this same woman, Anisa, now under a different last name: Haj Mumin, was in fact appointed as an official in the Somali government in 2014! Her position? She was the Minister of Women Affairs!
No word on how long she served as the Minister of Women Affairs in Somalia. Is she still an acting minister? What did she achieve while in office there? Minnesota media should be asking these questions. As usual they aren’t.

Are you getting the picture islamophobes?
This individual was born in Somalia, lived in Minnesota long enough to graduate gender studies (supposedly), became a paralegal, became the founder of a non-profit (we’ll look into the non-profit later), then a minister in the Somalia government as recent as 2014. Six years later this same woman is appointed in Minnesota government by the Walz administration with a $142,000 annual salary to basically teach third world transplants how to work the system. After all she is a shining example of how you can be a minister in the Somali government and in the Minnesota government.
She seems to be as good as Ilhan “Omar” Elmi. In fact the next logical step for would be Minnesota politics. After all, someone needs to fight even harder for all these oppressed minorities who suffer terrible racism and Islamophobia in Minnesota.
Isn’t this clear as day from the story you just read?
The pro-jihadist Emperor of Turkey, Erdogan, has ordered the museum Hagia Sophia to be turned into a functioning mosque again. The mosque was originally built as a Christian church in the 6th century AD to be the main church of the Eastern Roman Empire’s capital city Constantinople. It was considered the largest dome in the world for 1,000 years.
In 1453 Constantinople fell and the church was converted into a mosque.
But hey, don’t be an ‘islamophobe’! It’s okay for churches to be converted to mosques. However, mosques cannot be converted to churches under no circumstances. That would be ‘islamophobic’, right? Or at least this is how the jihadists would want us to feel about their plan to islamize the world. They want Western people to obsess about ‘tolerance’, even while killing Christians and Jews in the name of the ‘religion of peace’.
Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, converted The Hagia Sophia mosque into a museum as a gesture of good will to Christians. There are thousands of mosques in Istanbul where Muslims can pray. Thus, converting the mosque into a museum was a symbolic act of ending the era of the caliphate and putting the jihadist past behind Turkey.
Now a Turkish court has reversed this 1934 decision and the museum will begin functioning as a mosque once again. Clearly this is again a symbolic act showing the return of Islam as a world power.
But hey, don’t be Islamophobic! And remember Islam isn’t an ideology, it’s only a ‘religion’. So rest assured, this reviving of a museum into a mosque is nothing to be worried about. Because as we know Islam is the religion of ‘peace’. Except if you refuse to submit to it, of course. Then it becomes the religion of bloodshed and terror.
The AP reports: “There was jubilation outside the terracotta-hued structure with its cascading domes and four minarets. Dozens of people awaiting the court’s ruling chanted “Allah is great!” when the news broke. A large crowd later prayed outside it. In the capital of Ankara, legislators stood and applauded as the decision was read in Parliament.”
But don’t worry, there’s nothing to see here. Just some jihadists in suites chanting Allahu Akbar. But don’t be an islamophobe. The media said so.
Now here’s a curious thought – what would happen if we began to convert mosques into churches? An uproar from the Left? Accusations of “racism”? One has to wonder just how far are people in the West are willing to go before they wake up and realize this is war and we’re currently losing it as it is.
This archival footage shows Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser laughing at the Muslim Brotherhood in 1958 for suggesting that women should be required to wear the hijab and that Islamic law should be enforced across the country. Yet this is exactly what the Muslim Brotherhood wants to impose on the West today. If an American politician today would crack a similar joke in a public speech, he would be denounced as an “islamophobe”. Was the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser an islamophobe?
Global jihadists are using America’s civil rights sensibilities to destroy our civil rights. They are shameless propagandists who know exactly what they are doing. Their goal is to confuse and divide the West, presenting themselves as victims of “islamophobia” while seeking to impose the bondage known as “hijab” onto women.
Watch for yourself and see how far removed from reality are today’s “islamophobia” propagandists.
This video was removed by YouTube only days after it was published and started going viral.
It clearly shows how sadistic sharia Islamic “law” is. There’s nothing “legal” about this “law”. It’s sheer barbaric treatment of human beings. But YouTube doesn’t want this to be seen.
Below is the removal evidence from YouTube:
Here is the video, now available through our BitChute channel:
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