Tag Archive for: Islamophobia

French Muslimas are creating fake drama in France over not being able to wear hijabs when they play soccer.

The question is why stop at demanding hijabs only? Why not wear full niqab or burqa? They will be considered even more pleasing to Allah.

What happens if they reach for the ball and they spread their legs sliding on the grass which happens all the time in soccer? What if part of their legs are seen by the crowd? What if the crowd suddenly begins to lust after said soccer player? The imam at the local mosque will be super upset and might have the woman flogged. This would be a very good judgment according to Sharia “law”.

They should definitely go for full body niqabs!


Recently, popular conservative host Tucker Carlson introduced Victor Orban to his audience. Mr. Orban is the Prime Minister of Hungary, one of the three Central European countries giving leftist totalitarians in the EU a run for their money – at least when it comes to the Union’s multicultural agenda. Victor Orban comes across as a very well spoken, stable and highly intelligent leader who doesn’t shy away from sharing his views on the Left’s insane rush to destroy whatever is left of Western Civilization. [un]Shockingly, the Communist Far Left and the anti-Semitic Far Right have joined forces against him, in a way mirroring the opposition against Donald Trump here in the United States and how he managed to unite the strangest of bedfellows in their hatred of his Pro-America vision.


Much can be said about Mr. Orban, who has a been a pro-American ally since the 80’s when he was a vocal opponent of the Communist regime. He is a strong proponent of economic freedom (a.k.a. free market economy), he is pro-family, pro-Christian, and he is definitely opposed to allowing Islamic invaders into his country. The best the Left can do in their attempt to character-assassinate him is to groundlessly accuse him of being a “fascist”. The best global jihad can do is label him an “islamophobe”. Which is what they do with everyone who doesn’t submit to their agenda anyway, so really nothing new to see here.

But Victor Orban isn’t the only European Conservative Prime Minister the world needs to know about.

Meet Sebastian Kurz, Chancellor of Austria.

Mr. Kurz is the youngest head of state in the EU and has been called a “political wunderkind” by friend and foe alike. Not unlike Mr. Orban, Sebastian Kurtz has emerged as a strong Austria-first leader who has openly endorsed Austrian traditional culture, opposed the aggressive LGBTQ agenda, and even had the balls to start shutting down mosques while kicking out imams with proven ties to jihad. Definitely a major “islamophobe” if you ask the jihadis.

Let’s hear him in his own words:

“The EU must focus much more strongly on the problem of political Islam in the future,” Kurz told the German daily Die Welt in an interview. “I hope we will see an end to this misunderstood tolerance and that all countries in Europe will finally realize how dangerous the ideology of political Islam is for our freedom and the European way of life.  The EU must, with utmost determination and unity, wage a war against Islamist terror, but particularly against its political base, that is to say political Islam.””

Wait, what? Did I hear right? A European leader speaks out against Islam and takes a stand for his people?

We’ve talked about Austria before on our podcast, here and here. I encourage you to listen to my interview with Austrian activist Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff. It will give you a pretty good idea as to how deep are the issues when it comes to Europe, freedom of speech and the ongoing islamization thereof. But having someone like Chancellor Kurtz at the helm of the nation that twice defended Europe against the Muslim armies, might be a reason for us to have hope that we haven’t seen the last in this civilizational conflict.

Last not least

Geert Wilders stands tall amongst his peers

even though he’s not an acting head of state. Or at least not yet.

If you haven’t heard about Geert Wilders and you’re wondering why isn’t there anyone in Europe like Winston Churchill who will be willing and able to fight the enemy to the last today and now, there is. His name is Geert Wilders. But don’t wait for this recognition to come from the treacherous EU politicians or the despicable left-wing media. Most likely decades will pass before Europe comes to its senses and realizes what an incredible leader we’ve had in our midst and they didn’t even know it.

Geert Wilders has been in politics for a long time. He trailblazed what today can be called modern European conservatism. From his opposition to Islam and Muslims immigration, to his support for Israel and America, Mr. Wilders is one of a kind. He has poked the terrorist global jihad so deeply in the eye that living a normal life is impossible for him and his family. He lives under 24/7 security protection and his office in Parliament is specially outfitted with anti-terrorist attack features.

Defenders of Western Civilization or ‘Islamophobes’?

Have you wondered why you never hear people like Victor Orban, Sebastian Kurtz and Geert Wilders speak for themselves? Why aren’t their voices being heard? They aren’t the only ones but they are a good example that that even if you become a head of state, the leftist terrorist media will do anything in their power to prevent you from getting your message out. The same was true of Donald Trump and continues to be even more true today after he was demonstratively de-platformed by all almost social media.

The Left despises today’s champions of Liberty. They are terrified by their success.

Are they Defenders of Western Civilization or “Islamophobes”?

I think you know the answer. To those of us who know who we are and who cherish our identity as free people whose liberties come from God, we cheer leaders like Donald Trump, Victor Orban, Sebastian Kurz, and Geert Wilders. We are inspired by leaders who aren’t afraid to speak publicly what the majority of us think, believe and want. We don’t care if the terrorist left will label them or us, their supporters as “Islamophobes”. In fact, it’s about time we begin to wear this label with pride!


Christian Prince is one of the leading Ex-Muslims in the world today. He hosts a channel on YouTube where he engages with live callers, most of whom are Muslims. Christian Prince exposes the fallacies of Islam, calls Muslims to walk away from Islam, and to accept the Christian faith. Many of them do so live, while on the call with the fiery Internet evangelist.

However, some of them aren’t as friendly. One such live caller was from Somalia.

During the call he becomes extremely agitated with Christian Prince because he’s an Ex-Muslim. He begins to threaten the Christian evangelist and to openly admit that:

  • Somalis use Americans and the West to play victims and to get Westerners to allow them to come into our countries. [Are you listening to this legislators, pastors, rabbis and priests?].

  • Somalis lie to Westerners about getting converted to Christianity.

  • Muslims have no problem lying to non-Muslims because this is permitted to lie to the “kufar” (infidel) in Islam.

  • If Christian Prince would come to Somalia, he will be killed by Somali Muslims just because he walked away from Islam. “You do not understand how much we hate people like you!”

Christian Prince allowed the Somali Muslims to spew out his hatred and threats, and then calmly told him that Muhammad is “the most perverted man ever” and thanked him for exposing the truth about Somali Muslims for the whole world to hear.

Did somebody say “Islamophobia”?

Brendan O’Niell, the editor of Spiked, is asking all the right questions after the recent attack against Hatun Tash at Speaker’s Corner in London. As you read, keep in mind Mr. O’Neill is described on his Wikipedia page as former Trotskyist, formerly a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party, and someone who wrote for the party’s journal, Living Marxism. Also per Wickedpedia O’Neill self identifies as a Libertarian Marxist.


In a way, we can use Mr. O’Neil as part of an imaginary metric on the spectrum of jihadist awareness. As in, “Did you hear? So-and-so is becoming aware of jihad’s war on the West almost as much as Brendan O’Neill! Way to go, Western Marxists!”

In his piece You can be stabbed for criticising Islam? he lays out all the logical reasoning any normal, decent person in the civilized world would have.

When are we going to talk about Hatun Tash? She’s the ex-Muslim and Christian evangelist who was allegedly slashed with a knife in broad daylight in Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park yesterday. And almost as shocking as the incident itself – as this horrific assault on a woman who was merely expressing her beliefs – has been the silence about it. There has been a trickle of press interest, but no big media splashes, no hashtag solidarity, no politicians expressing concerns that Britain seems to have become a country in which you criticise Islam at your peril. What is going on here?

Well, Brendan, this suppression has actually been going on for quite some time. I hope you aren’t realizing this just now. But even if you are, welcome to the club. Stay with it and your amazement will undoubtedly continue to mushroom. News like this actually abound ON A DAILY BASIS!

Let’s be real about what appears to have happened in Hyde Park yesterday – a woman known for her critical attitude towards Islam was violently assaulted with a weapon. In Britain, in the 21st century. Where are the cries of denunciation, or at least of concern? The woke left claims to be against fascism, yet it is eerily quiet about a seemingly extremist attack on a woman for holding particular beliefs. Our media elites shake their heads over online abuse, but they haven’t yet mustered up the energy to talk about this act of brutal physical abuse against a woman – an immigrant woman, at that – who was only criticising a world religion.

The hush, so far, in relation to this attack is a depressing sign of the times. Our society seems incapable of speaking honestly and frankly about Islamic extremism.

Let’s bring a little bit of a correction to Mr. O’Niell’s thinking, shall we? The issue here isn’t just “Islamic extremism”, it’s Islam itself. If and when this editor, along with the rest of the media elites begin to grasp why Hatun was actually attacked, we will start making some real progress. Gutless politicians, academics and media-for-hire have spreading for far too long the Western invention of “Islamic extremism”. Why? Because the Western Academy whitewashed Islam in their multicultural push to cast it as a “the religion of peace”, willfully shoving under the educational carpet the trail of tears and blood Islam has left in world history.

There is no such thing as Islamic extremism and Islamic non-extremism. There are only nominal Muslims who are clueless of what the Quran, the Sura and the Haith really teach, as well as clueless about the real history of Islam. And then there are Muslims who have embraced the teachings of the 7th century terrorist, a.k.a. Muhammad, and have gone full-jihad in obedience to their “Prophet”.

Mr. O’Niell offers some refreshing thoughts on the Islamophobia porn:

The secular obsession with ‘Islamophobia’ mingles with the extremist loathing for ‘blasphemy’ to create an alarming climate of intolerance. Indeed, Tash herself has often been branded an Islamophobe, a bigot and a hate preacher, including by secularist identitarians who have come to view criticism of Islam, and even apostasy against Islam, as a kind of racism. When you write someone off as evil – or, to use woke parlance, ‘phobic’ – simply for rejecting and opposing Islam, can you really be surprised when that person is attacked for being a sinful maligner of Islam?

But of course, isn’t ‘islamophobia’ the greatest sin Western people could possibly have? Weren’t 6 million Muslims butchered in Hitler’s death camps? Oops, sorry Jews, we talked long enough about what ACTUALLY happened to you. It’s now time for us to begin to talk about what COULD happen to Muslims, who have been butchering people (to the tune of 400 to 600 million in India), enslaving Africans (over 80 million of them) as well as Europeans (over 1,5 million). After all, we couldn’t afford to hate a bloodthirsty ideology like that, could we?

I’ll wrap this up with the last paragraph of Mr. O’Niell’s islamophobic rant (LOL, welcome to the club, Brendan!):

We have to get serious about freedom of speech. A country in which a teacher must go into hiding for displaying an image of Muhammad, and where an ex-Muslim can be stabbed for being ‘offensive’, and where all manner of supposedly bigoted speech can be punished with censure or censorship, is not a free country. ‘Free speech comes with consequences’ – that is the borderline threatening cry of today’s woke set. It was probably the belief of the man who attacked Ms Tash, too. Perhaps he was just visiting upon her the ‘consequences’ for her blasphemous comments. Enough. We must fully and firmly stand up for free speech, including for ex-Muslims, Christians, critics of Islam and literally everybody else.


As a former colleague used to say about stock analysts, even a broken clock is on time twice a day. Let’s hope that Western intellectual elites do better than a broken clock going forward or the front page of their favorite website might be featuring their own beheaded self in an orange jumpsuit lined up next to their comrades from the goofy Western Left syndicate.

While Muslims shamelessly continue to push the ‘Islamophobia’ propaganda on us, we learn that in Nigeria 3,462 Christians have been murdered by jihadists since the beginning of 2021.

Nigerians mourn Christian victims of Islamic jihad. The world media ignores.

The International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law in Nigeria was founded for purpose of setting the record straight when it comes to the genocide perpetrated on Christians by Muslims in Nigeria. It is a research and investigative rights group which has been monitoring and investigating religious persecution and other forms of religious violence by state and non state actors across Nigeria since 2010. Their process involves “the use of direct contacts with the victims, eyewitnesses, media tracking, review of credible local and international reports, interviews and closed sources.”

The organization reports that “the number of defenseless Christians hacked to death by Nigeria’s Islamic Jihadists and their collaborators in the security forces in the past 200 days or January 1st to July 18th, 2021 has risen to no fewer than 3,462.


The report of the organization goes on to say that this number further represents a daily average Christian deaths of 17, the second highest since 2014 when over 5000 Christian deaths were recorded in the hands of Boko Haram and Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen.


The report also found out that the total number of abducted Christians since January is 3000, out of which at least three out of every abducted thirty Christians were most likely to have died in captivity; thereby indicating additional secret death in jihadists’ captivity of 300 Christians.

Additional deaths of 150 is also added to represent ‘dark figures’ or deaths that occurred but not reported or recorded.

You can read the full report here.

Let’s compare, shall we?

What kind of “problems” do Muslims run into here in America and in the Western world?

Let’s see, they get boatloads of tax-payer funds through all kinds of welfare programs simply for being ‘refugees’. Whatever money they don’t get through legal means they scam out of government through schemes such as setting up fake child care centers. They setup voter fraud schemes and ‘elect’ jihadists into our political system. Then they fund Jihad overseas. They have to because this is what the imams are telling them to do. The imams are trained this way because this is what Islam teaches!

And then, to add insult to injury, they complain about being disliked! And call that ‘Islamophobia’.

While at the same time Muslims are butchering Christians systematically, in the name of Islam, day in and day out, to the tune of around 100,000 victims annually.


Only criminal minds devoid of any sense of shame could come up with such travesty.

We’re not buying it. Never have, never will.

God have mercy on the men, women, and children who fall victims at the hands of Jihadis each day, and God help us be their voice in the midst of a culture flooded with jihadist propaganda sanctioned by the terrorist Left!


Every time some confused or ignorant Western soul begins to apologize for Islam, we should begin to talk about ex-Muslims. Every time someone begins to talk about ‘islamophobia’, we should begin to talk about what ex-Muslims have to go through. Islam’s house of cards collapses completely and instantly once this issue is raised.

According to one of the most recent polls, 23% of Americans raised as Muslims no longer identify with Islam.

Are ex-Muslims some kind of ‘Islamophobes’? Is apostasy from Islam some kind of ‘islamophobia’? Or is it in fact one of the most normal thing an adult can do in a free country – to choose what to believe in or not to believe in when it comes to matters of religion.


If Islam is a religion, then all Muslims should have no issues leaving it and NO MUSLIM should EVER have push on us sharia, which is the imposition of Islamic ‘law’ (it’s in fact tyranny) on non-Muslims. If Islam is a religion and wants to benefit from the protections of religious freedom under the Constitution of the United States and in other countries of the free world, then it should have no problem whatsoever with people who walk away from Islam.

It’s precisely because Islam is NOT a religion that ex-Muslims are treated the way they are treated – they are considered as traitors and are subject to the death penalty. What kind of a ‘religion’ is this? This should outrage every single American and people living in the West!

It’s in the way Islam treats its apostates that its true nature is revealed. Islam is not a religion. It’s an ideology and a political system used by its power brokers to enslave, abuse and exploit untold millions of people using elements of religious deception.

Islam is a fraud and Ex-Muslims are the living proof of it!

This is why we should be talking about it.

In the last 5 years I have spent countless number of hours to study the psychology of ex-Muslims. I’ve listed to their stories (sometimes heartbreaking). I have talked personally to some of them. I have listened to their live YouTube videos and have learned a great deal about how they think about the world.

It seems to me that many ex-Muslims are confused, especially those who have been transplanted into the West as adults. It can take some of them a lifetime to become oriented and to fully grasp what is the full meaning of Liberty and what are the implications for them personally. It’s as if they were caught in a mental web (Islam) they broke out of but are still not fully de-programmed to see the world for what it is. It’s truly a tragedy. That’s one of the reasons many of them become lefties. They are confused. Their ideas about right and wrong are still hugely influenced by the messed up worldview they were brought up in.

Watch the video below. This isn’t about apologetics or lofty arguments. It’s about a clash of civilizations and the fallout of this clash. We need to celebrate Ex-Muslims even if they say some dumb things, such as being naïve enough to support the terrorist Left here in the US and in other Western countries. Don’t let this bother you. Let them go through their process. They’ll get it soon enough.

Watch this video, which by the way is hosted on the decentralized webno censorship can stop this puppy! Take that Big Tech! Try to censor that, Big Gov!

George @ Islamophobia.Watch

Here are the ways you can access Islamophobia Watch on the Internet:

Email signup on our website: https://islamohphobia.watch

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About Alexis de Tocqueville on Islam

He was one of the most interesting French intellectuals of his time. But his lifework transcended both him and his era. According to Encyclopedia Britannica Alexis de Tocqueville was “a political scientist, historian, and politician, best known for Democracy in America, 4 vol. (1835–40), a perceptive analysis of the political and social system of the United States in the early 19th century.”

His books are part of the curriculum of numerous schools. Democracy in America is very interesting, enlightening, funny, entertaining, and prescient in some ways.

But in the Tocqueville Reader, which includes not only his major writing but also travel notes, letters, conversations with ministers and politicians, as well as diary entries not originally intended for the public, De Tocqueville tells us exactly what he thought about Islam.

Today he would be labeled as an “Islamophobe” by our brainwashed neo-Marxist academics, media, and government:Placeholder

“I studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.”

How many schools today will recommend this reading to their students? How many politicians will have the courage to read these words from the platform they have been given by their constituents? How many journalists will agree to hosting a live debate between a jihadi apologist and jihadi scholar who is pro-America and pro-Western civilization?

What has happened to the people of the free world? It’s almost as if we have less freedom of thought and definitely less freedom of speech than a 19th century Frenchman?

Or should I say a French “Islamophobe”?

In light of the stolen 2020 presidential elections and the collapse of public trust in the rule of law in America by more than 80 million pro-Trump voters, what option do we have going forward but to do our best to draw a line in the sand and recruit as many as possible on the side of Liberty? The days are coming when we will need to know exactly who are the talkers and who are the doers when it comes to reclaiming America. This process has already begun. The betrayal of President Trump by his own party, by the Vice President and even by the Supreme Court, was nothing short of a tragic but in a way necessary part of the process of revealing the true condition of the country.

We now have to consolidate and purge our ranks from false “patriots”, false “churches” and other false authority figures. When clarity comes, strength is restored.

I see Islamophobia Watch as a tool in drawing the proverbial line in the sand. Speaking the truth about Islam is part of the test we need to be aware of. If someone is too cowardly to speak up about the true nature of Islam, including its history, they shouldn’t be trusted or allowed to have influence. Normally, this public vetting process would be part of the job of the media. However, the media is completely compromised. In fact, they are part of the propaganda machine.  

So in a way it’s up to citizen projects such as IW to facilitate these opportunities for people to learn about where our leaders stand on this critical issue.

Signup for our newsletter to get updates from Islamophobia Watch

President Trump passed the test. He spoke in no unclear terms about the danger of jihad. Now it’s our turn to do that.

Follow me on GAB and Telegram, the leading censorship-free platforms in the world today. We are building a movement that nothing will be able to stop when the right time comes. And we need to know who are the real and who are the fake defenders of Liberty.

The free world will be free again and we are going to be part of making sure this happens!



Friends, below I share few thoughts on the subject of ‘Islamophobia’, free speech, technology and the Islamophobia Watch project.

While we are watching in disbelief how the illegitimate “president” Biden is dismantling so much of what was done by the Trump administration to secure America, let’s not overlook the fact that striking down “the Muslim ban” was # 2 on the list of his first Executive Order!

Biden will flood America with many jihadis and will further compromise our safety. This will make America weaker in the war against global jihad. He will allow more enemies within the gates, along with who knows how many Chinese Communist assets already on the inside.

However, none of this can happen overnight. There’s still a war going on for the minds of millions of people in America. We don’t know how the Republic can be resurrected and if that’s even possible. But while we’re waiting for clarity on this pivotal issue, we won’t sit around doing nothing. We should be red-pilling as many people as possible. Biden and his jihadist-communist gang will no doubt be helping us along the way.

Which is why being able to have a channel on enemy digital territory (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) is important if red-pilling people still matters. Red-pilling and countering the Jihadis/Communist propaganda might in fact be *the* most important weapon we will have going forward. If this fails, well I guess the next phase will be kinetic warfare which if that’s what we have coming we’ll prepare for, and deal with when it comes.

For now we’re still in the middle of the war of ideas. The backlash against China Joe might be coming sooner rather than later. It’s hard to believe but there are millions of people who are still clueless – even after 8 years of Obama and 4 years and Trump (could there have been a more clear-cut contrast?). And yet it’s true. There are definitely millions who have yet to be red-pilled and the Commies know it. They are dead scared about it.

The WalkAway campaign is the most obvious example of this premise but there are many others. While we should absolutely support GAB and create content on GAB as the premier free speech social network on the Internet, we should continue creating content that counters the false narratives of the jihadis and the commies who are out to destroy America and the Western Civilization.

We will have to create a parallel FREE Internet based on both centralized and decentralized technologies WHILE we stay on censorship Internet as long as possible for the sole purpose of disrupting the Big Brother propaganda.

Islamophobia.Watch is still an experimental project. A year go I found out that while the # 1 tool jihadis in the West (and now globally) are using to shame and silence free speech is the accusation of “islamophobia”, there is virtually NO CONTENT on the Internet countering this false narrative and debunking the “anti-islamophobia” propaganda.

The only “islamophobia watchers” online were pro-jihadist groups whose websites make it look like “islamophobia” is the new antisemitism and Muslims are the victims.

No longer!

Little more than a year later my website Islam0phobia Watch competes successfully against CAIR and Wikipedia in the “islamophobia watch” search term category.

All this was done with SOME EFFORT but not nearly as much as what I could do if I had the time to do this full time. My next goal is to compete with the search term “islamophobia” which will be an uphill battle yet not impossible to win. Within a year my content could be among the leading search results on the Internet when someone types ISLAMOPHOBIA. What will they get?  A website that DEBUNKS “Islamophobia” – showcasing the proof and the evidence of this fraud. Now people who have common sense can actually hear what the other side has to say about the oh-so-horrible “problem” of Islamophobia.

Mind you, the “islamophobia” narrative has now become a propaganda tool used by Muslims worldwide, including by GOVERNEMTNS!

I saw all this to say THANK YOU to my supporters!

Can we keep red-pilling America about the hoax of Islam and ‘islamophobia’? Yes, we can!

Some will red-pill America on issues relative to election fraud, others on issues that have to do with economics, open borders, gun ownership and abortion. My specific goal here is to red-pill as many about the global jihadist agenda and the hoax of ‘islamophobia’ the Left is using to destroy free speech.

If you want to join this effort, join us on PATREON while we’re still allowed to be on there: https://www.patreon.com/islamophobia

Or you can join us on LOCALS which claims to be a free speech alternative to Patreon: https://islamophobes.locals.com/

The Editor

It took the beheading of a teacher but finally it seems like the French are waking up and taking actions against jihad in France. The government has shut down the biggest anti-Islamophobia organization in France!

NOTHING in the Western media about it. I’m attaching a lone link to a Western media source I found after much search. All other coverage is by Muslim publications and I don’t care what they have to say.

Here it is: https://bit.ly/38MOlOt

Back to the dissolution of this jihadist group acting like a sham “anti-Islamophobia” organization. After the Muslim mafia running this fake non-profit organization performed a fake dissolution, the French government was forced to dissolve the “Collective against Islamophobia in France” (CCIF) at the Council of Ministers level on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 – accusing them of committing “Islamist propaganda”, announced Gérald Darmanin, Home Secretary.

“For several years, the CCIF has consistently led an Islamist propaganda campaign”.


The French have already shut down two other Islamic organizations since October of 2020: BarakaCity and Cheik Yassine.

BarakaCity was accused of “propagating ideas advocating radical Islam”, and the collective “Cheik Yassine” whose President Abdelhakim Sefrioui was indicted in the Conflans attack for “complicity in a terrorist attack “.

Minnesota should be doing the same!

One Grace Brody, Executive Editor of The Michigan Journal of International Law, has published an ode to Sharia Law a shahid would die for!

But no need for anyone to die! The globalists over at The Michigan Journal of International Law, most all of whom look like millennials manufactured by leftist elitist universities, will do the bidding of global jihadists for free. (Well, probably with funding from Soros or Soros-like groups of course but who cares right?).

The Michigan Journal of International Law claims it is now “one of the premiere international legal journals in the world”. If that’s true, we might as well to call a funeral service for the legal profession in Michigan.

Grace Brody, the Executive Editor, has graduated from Yale University with a double major in Linguistics and Modern Middle Eastern studies. She has also gotten her MA from the University of Chicago in Middle East Studies, with a focus on 11th Century Islamic Philosophy.

This explains a lot.

Ms. Brody definitely sees the world exactly how she was probably taught in school by some wide-eyed utopian whose own view of Islam comes from the sanitized version of Islam high academia has been spinning in the West for decades.

Global jihad wants Western useful idiots to see the world as they see it: Muslims are victims and any criticism of Islam as “Islamophobia”.

I hope y’all go to her post and read it. http://www.mjilonline.org/ignorance-of-islam-in-european-approach-to-contract-law/

Then I hope you respectfully ask Ms. Brody the million-dollar question: what exactly is ‘Islamophobia’?

Can this millennial luminary aspiring to “pursue a career in International Arbitration” (from her bio on their website), even give us a definition of ‘Islamophobia’? Is it a health condition as most phobias are? If so, why is a legal mind busying itself with medical issues?

Next, let’s ask her about her the flaming accusation of her post: ignorance of Islam.

She quotes a study conducted by Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Religion Monitor, in which 50% of respondents in Germany and Switzerland said they considered Islam a threat. What is Ms. Brody’s conclusion? Well, they must be ignorant of Islam.

Is that so?

Or could it be that the jihad being waged on Europe by Muslims in recent decades has informed these Germans and Swiss citizens pretty well and in very bloody clear terms what Islam is?

“Unfortunately, it appears that there exists a similar misconception of the religion and its principles within the world of European contract law as well. Specifically, the problem has manifested in a historic refusal among European courts to enforce choice of law provisions which select Islamic law. Although this issue poses less of a day-to-day threat to European Muslims, it reflects a similar fundamental problem of misunderstanding of the religion.”

Grace Brody could have published her piece under even a better title. “Convert now or die” is a candidate. Because you see, all the ‘problems’ she is decrying in her piece, can only be solved if Europe converts to Islam. And we already know that it’s “convert or die” with Islam. This is why they have been focusing on dying us. (Hint-hint: the only people converting to Islam in Europe in larger numbers are hard-core criminals stuck in European jails).

The rest of the article is a hodgepodge collection of European case law examples aimed at shaming the European courts and singing the praises of Islamic Law.

What is Ms. Brody pushing for in fact? It’s what global jihad is pushing for – the replacement of European Law with Sharia Law. Sharia Law is incompatible with the nations whose laws are based on the Judeo-Christian understanding of the law. To Sharia Law what’s priority is jihad. The laws of the civilized world center around their highest value – the life and the rights of individuals. It’s truly an either-or choice. There can’t be a mixing of the two.

Grace Brody ends her embarrassment of a piece with the following lofty statement that could have been ripped from the pages of some ISIS propaganda magazine:

“Thus, we can only hope that the future will hold better understanding of the religion of Islam and the millions of people who practice the faith, both for their safety and security and for their contractual rights.”

Mashallah Grace! Can we talk now about stonings, honor killings, and the clitoral mutilation of little girls in the name of Allah (a.k.a. FGM), still practiced by Muslims and based on that same “religion” and it’s “law”?


Editor, Islamophobia Watch